Hours of fun for everyone to enjoy! If you haven't played this before...GET IT!

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (w/Guitar) PS3
Guitar Hero 3 is a single player and multiplayer music/rhythm game aimed at a wide variety of people. This game is a fantastic party game as well as a fun single player game as it deals the right amount of fun with difficulty. Although many of the songs in expert require you to have magnificent hand eye coordination as well as fingers which can move at light speed, the other difficulties are quite capable for those who are just looking for a good past time experience.

Guitar hero's difficulty levels make it a game for all types of gamers. Whether you are a past time gamer or a hardcore gamer, this is definitely a game for all. Hardcore gamers will spend well earned free time to polish off there guitar hero skills on expert while a past time gamer will find it fun to be able to play a song in which they can "Rock Out" on!!
This game is also aimed at people who cannot play an instrument as Guitar Hero 3 enables one to pick up the guitar controller and start playing a famous rock song...without even going through years of training and practice before being able to decipher difficult chords with epic timed strumming.
This great feature also enables the Guitar Hero audience to grow as this is a great game for the young and old as it enables a various range of difficulty while also dishing out a large amount of fun.

The feature of co-op added to this game is a fantastic feature in itself as it adds depth to the amusement people will receive from playing with their friends or family and a greater difficulty level if your friend or family member is better than you. Multiplayer also includes an Online component where you can team up with another person around the world to play a varied amount of songs or vs the person in either "Pro Face-off", "Face-off" or "Battle". These features bring lots of fun and amusement to the table for all types of gamers as well as all types of ages stated above.

Although all these features are fantastic, there is only one minor downside about Guitar Hero 3. Battle mode is a mode where instead of receiving a multiplier power-up (Star Power) you receive a "Battle Power-up" designed to increase the difficulty of play to your opponent. This generally increases the frustration of playing battles as you either deal out large amounts of battle power to your opponent in which they fail in a matter of seconds or vise-versa.

Overall, this game is a must have for any person looking for a fun and amusing game as well as a varied range of difficulty. Another up side not listed above is the song list as many of the songs are recognizable and are past-present great hits. This also adds to the fun of Guitar Hero 3. Apart from the minor let down with the newly added battle feature, it is a letdown which does not inflict my final score to the game.

Im giving it a 10/10 rating. Its my favourite game yet!!!
