after more than a month of play heres my final review
User Rating: 7.5 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock X360
Ya gotta figure that there wont be a new guitar hero for another year and i belive it was a year from the last the one to to this one. with that said this game is short on content. it says 70 songs but thats false advertisement most of the songs are ones that you have either neither heard of or would not bother listening too. they really dropped the ball when it comes to the number of good songs available to play but maybee they will release alot more over xbox live. this review is just a cover up really so i can sneak in some bad words about this web site. gamespot is horrible in every conceivable way. there reviews are always late and they sell out to the games who advertise on this site. gamespot can go to hell and so can all of its employess. with that said guitar is a n ok game. thank you