Guitar Hero III for the PS3 is about the best game out there right now on PS3 (debatable by Warhawk). This sequel performs in many ways that the old GH wish it would of. The online play is astonsingly good and online features such as downloadable tracks are a much welcomed addiction. The game stays on the base of GH with only a few altercations. The spacing it seems like is a little different then GH II. I kept missing easy notes that should have been no brainers. Another little problem is that Expert from GH II is NOT as hard as Hard mode on GH III. The game is insanely difficult on Expert. One last pet peave is that not all songs are playable...kinda...Some songs like Rock and Rock All Night are only avaible in certain game modes. Other than those disturbances it's still Guitar Hero baby!!! You will have GH parties, all your frineds will want to play, and you'll spend 100+ hours on this thing over it's lifespan especially with online functionally. Sound - 9.5 Good songs but stays too close to main stream music than cool alternatives
Graphics - 8.0 Good graphics yet considering how little you actually control you character it could be a tad better.
Gameplay - 9.0 Solid GH gameplay. Nothing innovative but nothing really to innovate on.
Lasting Appeal - 10 You will continue playing this game long past the regualr 40 hours.
Overall. 8.5 Great game that surpassess it's predecessors by milestones.
Other Helpful Reviews for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (w/Guitar)
Ahh guitar hero i have beaten your career in expert loads of times so what do you offer me this time. The answer A really promising soundtrack and a nice online experience. The songs they actually went out of the way to ... Read Full Review
Guitar Hero III is yet another Guitar Hero game.It's just as good,if not even better than its predecessors .It has however brought some improvements and new things over previous titles. To start off,Guitar Hero III look... Read Full Review