this game is the best musical game of punk rock(metal rock)ever!

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock PS2
this game is fun for the whole family and now i think they just made drums and a microphone for the game!
sweet man and the game alows you to pick some of the best quitare playes like slash and herman li!
so this game goes all the way back to the 1980 type songs but who cares they rock harder then a rock(hahahaha) but this game doesnt just play music and choose people it actualy alows you to start a career! step by step you get more money which you can use to unlcok some of the people and quitares!
there are some people that you face during the end of the careeer and it takes a lot of duel battle might to deafeat that opponet!
i even heard that there are some cheats like air quitare and big notes!
if you master the game untill expert try the song through the fire and flames! it is a very hard to complete but hey finish it 100% you can make a video of it and post it on youtube or gamespot!
i hope we can go online with this game for internet fun also! i would love to face a killa playa! to bad i am not in the USA but atleast we have I.S.P accses and the game online system thingy!