With one heck of a sound track and a cool looking guitar , you'll find out why Guitar Hero 3 is just so sweet !
The eseence of guitar hero is that you hold up a guitar shaped controller and you try to build a multiplyer by hiting the upcoming notes . You will hold down these buttons on the neck called "frets" and you strum down the "strum bar" to hit the notes that are coming towards . You will try to do this by making your combo metre at 4x and you keep it there by not missing a note , once you've reached this point you wil get into the shredege!!! So why is this game so addictive ? Because you get that experience that you've alway's wanted but could never achieve of playing a guitar. Now that im done with the intro lets onward with the review .
The visuals in this game are quite good for what it offers , the venues ( stages) are quite colourful and the lighting is quite nice . But unfourtune you wont be able to notice this because you'll be staring at the incoming frets. Theres has been a major improvements from guitar hero 1 & 2 , visualaly, but theres one problem i have with this game and its that theres ad's EvErY were, the audience showting phrases from that AXE commerical and ad's on some guitars. So for that I give it a 8.5 for visuals.
The sound is a no brainer for a game all about music. Clean , crisp and clear and also the sound track is phenomal , im not going to go through all the songs but some great tracks are : paint it black , impulse , welcome to the jungle , and cult of personalty. I dont think that the sound track is pure gold but its a contender for best of the three guitar hero's. Sound get's a 10.0
Now lets put all the monkey's in the barrel with the gameplay. Most gammers know how important this is and this game dosen't fail in the department . The same old classic addictive , competievness is back plus with some new fetures such as online gameplay , co-op carrer , battle mode and a whole lot of downloadable tracks ( and half of them so far are free!) The controller is by far the best of the three differnt types , its in the shape of the famous Les Paul and Red Octane put all the pro features of the SG and the X-plorer into it and its wireless! Some guitar hero vetrens might find that the notes are easier to hit but Neversoft counteracted that by making the last teir songs realy good and diffuclt . Another thing that they brought to the table that was never here before is boss battles. In a boss battle you will face a REAL famous guitarist in a duel ( battle mode) . The song's you play are songs that they made specificaly for guitar and pure solo's , espicialy the slash battle . Personaly my favortie is the Tom Morrelo battle but you will have the chance of chosing your own favortie because I convincesd you to buy this game. There's one thing i have to tell you if your new to the franchise and its that this game is realy excisble to anyone . If you just want to learn theres a tuturial and there are four diffuculty settings to fit you rocking personality : easy , medium , hard , and EXPERT. Most of you will find easy just to easy and might want to skip it but i advise you to start on that so you can learn the basics so later you can play on my diffuclty XPERT! Gameplay 9.0
After fully reading this review I strongly advise you to pick up this great title and I promise you will have a good time (unless you guitar is broken...) Anyone who wants to face me online , my gamertag is Ryan040404040 (dont ask why their's eleven numbers in my name) ROCK ON!!!