User Rating: 9 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (w/Guitar) PS3
Guitar hero 3: legends of rock is a very addicting game that grows on to you. As you start playing all the songs you get a sense of reward and makes you want to play more an get better at it. As you reach the the expert level things really start getting hard. Notes will attack in waves of hundreds. The toughest song is Through the fire and flames and if you can get atleast a 90%, you KNOW YOU ARE GOOD AT IT.
After you are done playing the songs from it, their are many other songs to rock out on from PSN. I only wish that were songs were free to download because the songs from PSN are not really worth it, but still people will have a good time without any need of DLC.
This game is a must play for those who have not played any of the guitar hero games yet. And those who have will have alot of fun just getting through expert.