you will never want to stop playing!
I cant believe how fun this game gets everyday
its a game everyone should get for the wii
ill Tell you a story: this is when i still didnt have Guitar Hero 3
I had gone to Mexico with my family for Winter Break and i had bearly even know how to play it.
When I got to my friends house I started playing Guitar Hero 3 and it was AWESOME I was so good at Medium
Then after like one day we beat the game so we started playing Fifa 08 or smthing.
then when I was returning from Mexico to here U.S. Now i have Guitar Hero 3.So i was thinking"what am i supposed to do if I already beat the game at my friends and i know what is going to happen.
So i was kinda pissed but I began to play it just to beat Career mode.
what i didnt realize was that there was more songs that you had to unlock in Coop Mode. so i was playing daily.
Then i started to play online were you will never stop playing
then i started to play with friends online,
then i started a new account on which made me want to get 5 stars on all my easy and medium songs i already did that
but Online makes me want to play alot
right now im in Hard Mode almost done just need like 4 more songs
Expert i can do like 10 to 14 songs well that doesnt matter, but i just saying
theres alot of things o do after your done in Career Mode
Graphics look great
Guitar is very cool
Wii is very cool
whatever just 9.5/10