Guitar Hero 3 + in my house = no sleep
New characters.
But all the characters suck. The devil is annoying, and who wants to be some broad with purple pigtails. Why couldn't they just have a character customization like Rock Band.
New song list.
Which are all awesome except Raining Blood.
Online multi-player.
Works great. When I get bored playing alone I can easily connect to the internet and jump right into a game.
Boss battling.
Was a terrible edition. Just the battles in general were bad. Even if your playing against a friend, it ruins the game. I don't know about you but when I play I want to hit the notes and if some jack off is trying to change the mode from medium to hard or trying to cut my red string then I just get pissed off. And why do the bosses never miss a note? I want to see Slash or Tom Morello come play against me and see if they hit all the notes. Or even better yet, see the devil do it.
Downloadable content.
Uh-oh, they messed up again. The Xbox 360 has downloadable content, the PS3 has downloadable content. For some reason Activision, RedOctane, and Vicarious Visions decided to abominate the Wii. The Wii is perfectly capable of downloadable content so why don't they have it? When they were asked this they said it was coming. Well its been atleast 4 months now and still they don't have downloadable content. How hard is it to make so Wii owners can download games? This pissed me off the most.
But it was worth the buy becuase when it comes down to it, its just fun to play a video game using a guitar. Its a simple and easy route to become a virtual rock legend and it is highly addictive.