Guitar Hero 3 is great, even though the songlist can be played through pretty quickly you can still keep playin for days
The Guitar Hero franchise has been around for a while but the previous games has not created much of a buzz. The prequel GH2 got the franchise a little more attention and now people all over the world on a variety of systems are playing GH3.
Some people may have heard that GH3 is too hard and therefore not an appealing game for beginners. This is not true.
The easy and medium difficulty does not take long to get used to. I had only played GH3 at my friend's house a couple of times before I got it for myself. After playing a few songs on medium I could play them without problems and mostly get more then 80% of the notes.
GH3 features alot of good songs which you unlock by completing them in the career mode. When starting a career you create a band and choose one of the existing characters (you can by new outfits and guitars for them). This was a part where I was a little disappointed that you couldn't create and customize your own character. After completing songs in career mode, they become available in the quickplay mode where you can write highscores. I was also a little disappointed that there aren't many downloadable songs because the songs that are included on the disc will eventually become quite worn out and "heard before" if you know what I mean.
The career mode is divided into parts where you play a few songs and then move on to the next part. From time to time you'll stumble across a boss battle. In these battles you have to gain "attacks" by getting note streaks and then attacking your opponent with them. This certainly is a fun feature and you can do this in the multiplayer mode and battle your friends. There are two other game modes too which aren't that interesting. All game modes can be played via an ethernet cable.
After every career part there are cutscenes which pushes the story of your band trying to rise to the top. The story isn't as deep as some games out there but you don't really care about that when playing because it's sincerely fun.
The guitar that you're using is wireless and easy to put together. You'll get some stickers in the box which you can put on the guitar if you want to. A strap is included and you can put it on the guitar and I recommend it. It is hard to play without it unless you're sitting down.
Even though GH3 lacks some parts it is still a very enjoyable ride. There is alot of replayability since it's highly addictive to see yourself getting better and better. And write higher scores on your favourite songs as you go along.
After a while the easy and medium difficulties become nothing but a piece of cake and you'll move on to the hard and expert modes.
I recommend Guitar Hero III for both beginners and Veterans of the franchise.