I'm gonna need a hundred beers. Exactly a hundred beers.....Oh thats so METAL!

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero: Metallica X360

If you like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and all the fun happy goodness that comes with them, THIS is the game to get. Metallica is to rockinrolla music what (something snappy is to something creative).

After spending lots and lots of time playing Rock Band 2, I felt that the difficulty was seeming to wane, but I had forgotten that I was still playing the few Metallica songs in the library (downloaded content) in medium. I quickly remembered after attempting to play "Disposable Heroes" on Hard in GH: Metallica. This game is HARD. The library of Metallica songs is epic as far as the choices made. If you are a fan of the source material, you will not be dissappointed. The difficulty could be seen as a bad thing, but honestly these songs are hard to play for real, so they really shouldn't be dumbed down for the game.

The sound of the game is also as would be expected very very good. No surprise there, turn it up and let it out.

While as of yet, I have not gotten into all the different game modes, one worth noting is the 4v4 head to head challenges. You and three of your metal bangin friends can show off your stuff against another four person band via XBL, and it seems like the thing to do.

The extended library offers some different fare, some songs that are easily recognized, others not so much, all are fun to play. Plus, having Slayer, SamHain, and Machine Head on the game isn't hurting it IMO.

Achievements are all named after Metallica Songs, or other Metallic-esque things, so getting "Achievement Unlocked: ...And Justice For All" is pretty sweet.

not alot of downsides to this game, the only one I could think of, is if this is a first time Guitar Hero/Rock Band purchase, and play, it may be a little difficult to get into. Other than that, if you are a Metallica fan......Get it.

Graphics: 8 out of 10
Gameplay: 9 out of 10
Audio: 10 out of 10
Online: 9 out of 10

If you like: Any Guitar Hero or Rock Band game.