I was really Disappointed. I was looking forward to this game for months, only to have my hopes for it demolished.
So you would have war and bloodshed over an angel of death? Whats the difference?
So I finally pick up the game. Excited, pushing my mixed expectations aside, I picked up my controller and began to play: Instantly, I was stunned. The game was almost EXACTLY similar to GH world tour. Almost everything is the same. All they really did was take GHWT and slap metallica and all its songs on it. Sure, they gave it a cool look, but what was so different? The Rock Star creator has the exact same clothes, minus a few t-shirts from the last game. Hell, even the loading screen has the same quotes. And speaking of loading, thats another annoying aspect: In the Instrument creator, sometimes I had to wait more than five minutes just to switch guitar models. I love Metallica, but was this the best they could do? A bright note is the setlist, which actually stands out as a light at the end of the tunnel. Machinehead, Queen, and of course, LOTS of Metallica. They did a good job of picking the right songs for the game, I must admit, except for leaving out angel of death. The notes are fun to play, and as an adept expert player, they also finally have some really good solos. But the bad outweighs the good here, and waiting to extra months for a game I practically already bought doesn't do this game any justice. I love Metallica, but this was really disappointing. If you're new to the guitar hero series, this is a good game to get, but for veterans, you're better off waiting till GH5.