
User Rating: 9 | Guitar Hero: On Tour DS
Amazing! I never would've ever expected anything like this the minute I took a liking to Guitar Hero! It is now portable! AWESOME! I don't see why this game is getting a lousy 6.0! That's just cruel! Sure... it's kinda short, and it may wind up giving you cramps, but there are a lot in this, sure $60 is a lot for just this... but it's worth it. Easy difficulty is even easier than the other versions of this game, and medium is like hard; you already have all the buttons! Expert really takes a challenge, but that shouldn't be too hard if you're a true veteran/aficianado to get through. Wasn't any problem for me!

Fun Facts: For the first time ever, you have to play all the notes at once during the last part of Stevie Ray Vaughn's "Pride & Joy".

There is a hammer-on of the same color in the beginning of Santana's "Black Magic Woman".