Great songs. Instant hit for newcomers especially.
This is a great game on some instruments and not as good on others. It is obvious that they thought of making the drums and vocals as good as possible for veterans who had already belted out the guitar and base tracks.
With that being said the vocals in this game are awesome with them matching the actual pitch of the singer perfectly as opposed to some other titles where it would be slightly off. This means it is easier to nail parts not because the parts are easier, simply because the parts are right.
The drums are also a blast to belt out with the beat being really apparent in most songs which give you the feeling that you are really making a difference to the music.
This game is a tonne of fun to play with a group of people as the tracks are all great except for a few.
This turns me onto one of my few gripes with this game is that there are a couple of songs which are just way too 'hardcore' to be enjoyable at parties (Slayer and Judas Priest to name names) and it seems that the songs that are the most fun are the more classic songs such as Monkey Wrench, I love Rock and Roll, Carry on Wayward Son and Miss Murder too name a few.
Then again some people could really enjoy Raining Blood and hate the songs I have previously mentioned which is actually good because it means it is a very versatile set list.
My other gripe with this game is some of the guitar tracks which are just plain boring but luckily these have great charts for other instruments so all is not lost.
Another thing that this game has done great is the animations which look very smart and crisp. I have not come across any parts where two objects would overlap and take you out of the immersion so far so that's a good sign that they're fixing their mistakes. Another thing that is weird is the crowd in some venues, what happens is the first couple of rows of people close to the stage look great but then the rest of the crowd look 2D and very aged graphics.
The lag problem seems to have been nearly fixed with just about all TV's now having no problems running the video in sync with the audio.
The cutseens also look brilliant with Guitar Hero's patented style and a great sense of humor.
There's still a few thing to mention such as the awesome 'lolwat?' emotion that comes from everyone playing 'Psychobilly Freakout' on every instrument and the great Rock Star Creator and Music Studio but I think I'm going to wrap up saying that it is a very well polished and great game which makes it 100x better than the lame cash-in that many people thought it was going to be.
Last thoughts: Get it.