ever wnted to play an instument or at least hear one because this is the game for u
With that in mind, there was never a way to rock out without working really hard to do so, which in and of itself isn't that bad, but this game changes all that. If you've played guitar, you'll love this game because it gives you the chance to sit back, relax, and just screw around with the mechanics while having a good time. If you've never played guitar but have wanted to try, this game's for you because of the great learning curve and the desire that it will instill in you to take the initiative and try out a real axe.
The true dynamic of this game lies in its innovative controller. I have to admit that, even though I'd seen it in pictures and on TV, when I opened the box for Guitar Hero, I was slightly disappointed with the look of the "guitar." The first thing I thought was, "Damn, I just spent $70 on a kid's toy." Boy, was I wrong. Once you plug the Guitar Hero SG into your PS2, it's a whole different story.
Within the construct of this game, the guitar's mechanics just feel right. After a while, the movements, similar to that of really playing chords on a guitar, will just become instinctual, and you can anticipate the notes that are coming before they get there. As far as the way in which the game handles some "advanced guitar techniques," such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, and power chords, the designers did the absolute best job possible, which proves to be more than enough to get a great deal of enjoyment out of this game.
The real fun, though, lies in the challenge. When you have the difficulty set on high, and you know that the solo is coming up, you better start mentally preparing. The movements are quick, consistent, and (from a musician's standpoint) convincing.
So, to all you guitar purists out there who want to stand on your double stacks and preach to the masses that this game is a discredit to the art of playing, calm down... this game's about having fun, and if you buy it, you will!
So, plug your Guitar Hero SG into it's amp, crank up the volume, and rock the !#$%^&*& out!