WoW, this game rocks hardcore. It is definately the best game to play when you just want to relax and ROCK OUT.

User Rating: 9.1 | Guitar Hero PS2
Who would have thought such a simple concept could be so fun and challenging?

Guitar Hero is a game that you can play any time and it never loses its value. The songs are awesome, the expert level is challenging, and the concept of the game makes you want to perfect your skills and become awesome at the game. The game doesn't really go much deeper then just playing different songs with a few different characters in a few different venues, but it doesn't really matter. The game doesn't need sweet graphics and 100's of characters to be good, and you will definately get your money's worth out of this one.

It took me about a month to finally beat all the songs on expert (yes, including bark at the moon), but the challenge was great. My playstation broke the other day, so now i cant really play much, but im looking forward to getting guitar hero 2 for either 360 or for a new playstation if i decide to get one.

GO BUY THIS GAME. peace, and rock out hard