An awesome game that makes you feel like you are playing some great rocks songs while nicely increasing the difficulty.

User Rating: 9.8 | Guitar Hero PS2
A fun game that has a lot of great songs that have great, catchy guitar riffs that you'll enjoy playing for hours. The graphical presentation and style really gives you the feel of being a rock star with the funky drawings, unique characters and venues. The song selection is very enjoyable. There were only a few songs that I felt I had to play, the rest I wanted to play over and over again. I think Red Octane did a great job of balancing the increasing difficulty of the songs with giving you the feeling you could pick up the guitar and play right away. I really enjoy the challenge of trying to earn five stars on the various songs that require fast sliding fingers, quick strumming and challenging solos. Guitar Hero also has that X-Factor where you feel connected to the game, plugged in, if you will. If you let yourself feel the music and jam out, this game is just amazing, especially the "how in the hell did I just do that" moments where you finally hit the notes you've been trying to hit for the past half hour. Thank you Red Octane for making such a great game.