I bought a PS2 ...just to play this!

User Rating: 9.7 | Guitar Hero PS2
I'm what you might call an 'anti-Sony' gamer. I've never owned a PS2, but own all the others.. So for a game to be of such an amazing idea for to actually walk down to an eb and buy a ps2 just to play this ONE GAME has got to be a testament to something. I've been a fan of rock as long as I can remember, though I don't have a musical cell in my body. So I had to settle for years on just being an expert on the air guitar. Not anymore. Now I can wail along with 40+ recognizable rock hits with Red Octane's ingenious game and controller. The tutorials are great at getting you up to speed with the concepts if you are, like me, a total novice (being I've never even held a guitar). At first I hit a few of the songs on Easy fairly well considering it's my first time "playing guitar". Then I tried to get crazy and jump up to Medium, and man was I humbled =) But even as I was playing badly I could laugh and have a good time w/ my friends. That's what the game is really all about. In 10 minutes you can have the crowd eating out of your hand on a kick*** guitar solo: something that just isn't possible with a real guitar. I don't ever plan on being a musician, but it's so wonderful to know I can get a little taste of what it's like to be a rock star. Here's to Red Octane's success (and sequels!)