The Wild West has no place in the gaming community and....oh God don't take ma hair. Nah I'm joking. THIS RULES!
He's not your father
To go to the Alhambra and find Jenny
You go there after a little horse tutorial and then bam, the Alhambras being attacked and no wait its over, then you repair the bridge, get to Empire and then work for this guy but then oh the guys evil and....
The story which has massive potential but goes to quickly
The story ends on a high, the good guys win and you get some really cool guns in doing so. The game is not for the faint hearted. With a well placed shot from the rifle you can take the head off of anyone
When you lay your hands on the shotgun you can remove limbs the western way
Its also pretty satisfying to blow the legs off of the scum who oppose you
Your costume will also change depending on the plot
e.g you wear Indian garb when assaulting the fort with the Blackfoot tribe although its not clear why
A few more aspects such as more cities and a bigger main story and you got an award winning game.
Hopefully we will hear about a Gun 2 for the near future!