Gun is an amazing western game with an epic storyline that is thrilling all the way from start to finish.
The gameplay is amazing. Gun puts you in the boots of gunslinger Colton White, a tough guy that is seeking revenge on the men who killed his father. Gun has an epic story running throughout the game. Playing as Colton White, you will get to see what life was like in the bloody west. The game offers both thrilling mission objectives as well as easy, but exciting side missions to earn some extra cash. You will easily know where to go to continue on with the main missions as well as be pointed in the direction of side missions. The main missions offer various objectives, with a wide variety ranging anywhere from basic escort missions to prison breaks. The side missions have a huge variety: taking on a role as a deputy sheriff, riding Pony Express, capturing outlaws for rewards, playing poker in the saloon, herding cattle as a ranch hand, even going on hunting trips. The game is insanely easy on the lower difficulties, so I'd recommend a higher difficulty, that way the game will offer a bit of a challenge. While the game does have a shooting gallery feel to it, you won't get bored with Gun due to the free-roaming gameplay and its huge variety in missions.
The graphics look very good overall. The problem is that they are often hit and miss; they will sometimes look absolutely amazing in detail in some areas, but in others they will seem extremely unpolished. For the most part, they look great. Environments look great and are extremely detailed and full of life. Character models and animations are great. Weapons look and sound excellent. Voice-overs are fantastic, really bringing life to the characters. The main highlight (especially for those of us who have ever ridden a horse) are the horse animations. They are amazingly realistic and move flawlessly fluent and are extremely life-like. It is great to watch the dust kick up from your horse's hooves as you run along. Another thing that I want to take note of are the shadows. Take a minute while you are galloping along on your horse and watch the shadow alongside you; it is amazing to watch how fluently it moves along with the horse's movement; and the shadows just aren't good on the horses, they are also extremely well done on human animations as well. Despite the fact that the graphics are hit and miss at times, it is amazing that the developers could put so much meticulous detail into such a large spanning environment, and I therefore rate Gun higher in the graphics department. It is just amazing that the framerate never stutters.
Sound effects are great in the game. From gun shots ringing through the streets to arrows piercing through the air. It is all extremely well done. All the weapons sound awesome. Animal noises also sound great. Voice-overs are fantastic. It is amazing that the developers could find this talented of a group to do voice-overs. Overall, the sound is awesome and really takes advantage of Dolby 5.1 surround sound.
It is too bad that developers couldn't spend some more time making the single-player game longer. The game is really short and should take you anywhere from 10 to 12 hours to finish. The game luckily offers some replayability which does add some extra value to the game. But due to Gun's short length and lack of bonus features, the value level is lower. But I would personally recommend buying this game over just a rental because I think it is a game worthy enough to be added to your collection.
Gun is insanely addicting due to the epic storyline. The game will pull you in and definitely keep you hooked from start to finish. The pure fun of playing through the story and completing side missions will keep you coming back for more, making Gun an amazing game.
I just thought I should throw this in as a warning notice: DO NOT PLAY IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 17. The ESRB notice does not lie on this game. Gun is extremely bloody and violent. It contains strong language that is not suitable for children. I guess you could consider this as being gritty and uncensored. So if you are a parent looking to buy this game for your kid, I would recommend looking elsewhere.
Gun is one of those insanely fun games that is hard to describe. The open-ended, free-roaming style of gameplay is amazing and extremely well done. The epic storyline running through its roots is reason enough to buy this game. With the perfect combination of excellent gameplay, stunning graphics, excellent sound effects, and extremely high tilt level, Gun is truly a one of a kind experience that you must play in order to believe. The only thing now is for you to saddle up and to get ready for the most exciting ride of your life as you play as Colton White through one of the most stunning, thrilling, and emotionally captivating video games of all time.