gun is a good 3 pursin shooter and will ceap you on you xbox 360 for houres on end youl be amased by how life like the old west is like thers prostution shooting and you work along sid of the indions and you get to stoo ther brans out the guns are a thearty of refolvers lots of rivels 2 sharpshoters and 3 bow and arrows and you can even cut peopls heads of with daggers and soweds you can evan ride you houres but be cafut you cude kill it if you ride to hard saddly you do get to join up wiht enny of thr proseys.
As you pull back on the reigns, your steed skids to a dusty halt atop an overhang with a view of the grassy plains below and the grazing buffalo. A large valley is crisscrossed by a beautiful river that ends in a set of ... Read Full Review
Gun is one of those games that you pick up expecting to shoot something, but when you play it, it turns out you have just found an amazing story. Gun takes place in the west, and the story is so good that it may be one o... Read Full Review