Thank You Neversoft, Out of all the Studios out there to do something good like this game, Neversoft does a great job.
First off I wanna say a BIG Shame on you Gamespot for the Poor rating of 7.4. For Neversoft's first game away from Tony Hawk I think they did a really great job. True there where some bad things about the game but what game doesn't have bad things, Too Short, Graphicly no Improvement, not enough to do. But on the other hand The voice overs and the acting was great. With an All-Star cast like this, Ron Perlman (Hellboy), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Thomas Jane (The Punisher). Kris Kristofferson (Blade) and Brad Dourif (Deadwood), it was really good.
I wouldn't want to compare Gun to Grand Theft Auto, even tho GTA basicly made the free roaming game what it is today, but thats what your getting. Free roaming game to Explore, Hunt, Mine, be a Bounty Hunter, protect Stagecoaches, and play as the Law. I'll be looking forward to the next edition with hopfuly a lot more hours of involement of tracking down outlaws and killing them.
The Story was great and I can't wait to see another edition added to the series. I loved playing this title, I liked everything about it, I just wish it where longer. Some games just don't have the replayability as most but I'm definently going to play it all over again on the XBOX 360. I might buy it for my PSP as well.
Difinently give this one a try. I would reccomend renting it because you can beat it in 7-8 hours, but the game is fun and I can see playing it again being fun.
Thank you for your time and Thank you for reading my reveiw.