First of all the title is WAY to general. Gun? It's cool, but has nothing to do with anything, except for the fact that you shoot stuff with a gun (which is in a bilion other games). Now Gun was a really compelling game, I picked it up, and prayed that it wouldn't suck. I was about half right. The graphics were not terrible, but not ground breaking. Sometimes the horse would go through people's bodies, and stuff like that. Gameplay was solid, controls were prettty well done, and the "Quickdraw" mode was pretty cool. The gun sounds were really cool and they sounded authentic, great job on that aspect. Now we get to the bad stuff....Oh my sweet Christmas was this game short. It was so short, that I am so glad I didn't buy this game, but rented it instead. It was kind of tedious to run ALL the way to the other side of the map to get a bounty, then run ALL the way back to your objective. The game is a rent for sure, but unless you truely, honestly want this game, don't buy it.
I'm glad Neversoft broke away from the Skating games and jumped into a new genre. Now I know why THAW wasn't that good, they spent all their time on this game and I Liked it. First off I wanna say a BIG Shame on you G... Read Full Review
I remember hearing about Gun during E3, and then later that year, to my suprise, it was announced. A action/adventure story driver western with open ended elements. I personally was a big fan of Red Dead Revolver, I thou... Read Full Review