Nothing amazing but lot of fun...

User Rating: 8.6 | Gun PC
Well, I played some older similar games like Outcast and about GUN there's nothing really amazing to tell. There are, of course, new possibilities and lot of action. You've got many side quest and some are very creative (like hunt down a wild animal or do some herd job with cattle). But the great point is that the game play adapts on some situations (like manning a cannon from a boat to beat other cannon boats) and the history keeps the pace of the action.
The bad side is the fact that the map isn't very clear at the first sight. Sometimes you've got to make a great turn to reach a spot that's near but on the other side of a cliff and you won't find the way easily. You've got to play for a long time just to know the landscape. Thanks some side quests obligates you to run into the wilderness thus making you more familiar with it.
That said, it's a 8 score game worth playing for the history and the fast pacing action...