A well-written story and thrilling gameplay makes this a really interesting game!

User Rating: 8.8 | Gun PS2
Man, this game has really swept me of my feet so far! Maybe it's because I lowered my hopes for this game due to bad reviews, but in my opinion this game rocks!

To start with, I don't think that the game is that short as everyone says. At this point I have finished 40 % of the game, and it has taken me round six hours to do so. It's all about making the most of the game, by taking the side missions to upgrade your stats. Some may feel like the forcing elemets cuts your freedom, but I really like the fact that you MUST take the side missions to be able to face the harder difficulty later on in the game.

The world is rich in its simplicity, even if its not that big. The world could have been a lot bigger, but if you just take the game for what it is, the great gameplay compensates for all shortcomings.

As said in previous reviews, the story is really dark and epic. The way the gameplay, story and side missions are combined reminds me of dear gaming moments like in Jak 3.

The gameplay is really functionell and gives you the option to experiment in the battles. The quickdraw sometimes makes the fighting TOO easy, but its just SOO fun that you stop thinking about it.

All in all, a somewhat underrated game that you just have to take for what it is. If you do, you have a great adventure in front of you.