BANG! Gun is an intense, fast-paced shooter with great immersion, that passes a little too quickly.

User Rating: 8.6 | Gun XBOX
Gun, its name strikes fear in the hearts of western outlaws and crooks alike. But there is a lot in a name, and Gun is far but simple. Its complex plot transcends that of other shoot-‘em-ups, and leaves the game satisfying yet also dying for more. The average length campaign can be done in just over ten hours, if many of the side quests are skipped. There are also four difficulty settings in the Halo vein. This game may not have the best graphics ever, it may suffer an occasional frame rate hit, but the best factor in it was the immersion. It makes the gamer feel as if they are in the Old West, shootin’, ridin’, and flat out adventurin’. The sense of awe felt by the combination of scenery, items, characters, and missions all blend together a grippingly great time on the X-Box. The gunslinging is always exiting, with tons of enemies to blast at, and tons of ways to do it. From the bullet-time ‘quick draw’ mode, to a long-range sniper or rifle (or even the stealthy bow), to the thunderous shotguns, there was always exhilaration just a bullet away. The main story follows an ambitious plot winding together in movie style revelations and secrets. This was a huge draw to the game, and is one of the best available. Side missions supplement the main story, and come in a few varieties, although most of them are very fun and doable many times over. Some repetition is encountered towards the latter stages of the game, but most of what one might not like is avoidable. Throughout the adventure, the controls are tight and learnable, the sound is a little inconsistent, with poor virtual speaking, although the great Western scores provide inspiration, excitement, and wonder. Any one who likes third-person shooters, or Max Payne, or just action games in general should look to Gun as an ambitious, intense, and overall satisfying game.

+Great story
+Thrilling gunplay
+Awesome sense of immersion

+Slightly repetitive
+Lack of multiplayer
+Slim replay value

Verdict: Rent it! Gun is something you should play, enjoy, experience, and move on (but don’t forget it!)