From skate boards to gunslinger Neversoft has made Gun a action adventure game set in the wild west and tries to act like GTA . Gun does borrow elements from GTA but does add in some new little things to spice it up such as Bounty Hunter missions or even being a ranch hand. The game play is a litte bit too easy with its bullet time effect to aim at specific body parts weither it be head, leg, or even arm. The story is average but it could of been better. Gameplay is pretty fun and exciting, with indian attacks that you can never really expect. The audio is outstanding with great voice overs by such stars as Thomas Jahan (aka the great Punisher movie and also the voice of the Punisher in the Punisher video game). The game is just way too short and their isn't alot of replayability after you've gone through the once and you don't really need to go through all the side jobs that is only really to get gold for more health or some new type of ammo or even more ammo. The weapons are few and the enemie pretty well dumb, but the boss battle can get challanging but their are only four bosses in the game which tells you really how short this game is.
I'm glad Neversoft broke away from the Skating games and jumped into a new genre. Now I know why THAW wasn't that good, they spent all their time on this game and I Liked it. First off I wanna say a BIG Shame on you G... Read Full Review
I remember hearing about Gun during E3, and then later that year, to my suprise, it was announced. A action/adventure story driver western with open ended elements. I personally was a big fan of Red Dead Revolver, I thou... Read Full Review