Undercooked gameplay elements are pervasive but, as a whole, Gun is a lot of fun.

User Rating: 7.5 | Gun X360
The Good:

slick presentation from production to story; completing side missions rewards players with upgraded weapons and skills that provide even more visceral gunplay; Xbox 360 version has achivements that push players to dig a little deeper; gameplay, when played "right", can very rewarding;

The Bad:

game can be very short and shallow if no side missions are complete; some side missions can be tedious; the game world is large but suprisingly empty; not much to do after game is complete beside side missions-when those are done there is nothing to do except kill towns folk and buffalo;


The year is 2007 in the month of december. This game is offically over two years old. I don't feel as if I need to hand write out what the gameplay is like or what the graphics look like. There are dozens of professional reviews that would do a better job than me. All I want to do is explain to you why I feel this game is enjoyable.

I have owned this game four times. Once on the PS2 and original Xbox and twice of the Xbox 360 (hey I needed some trade). I have beaten the game fives times, twice completing it to 100%. I have beaten every difficulty except the highest one. I have gotten 29 out 31 achivements only missing two that require me to beat two more times than I already have. I can't explain why this is one of my most played games of all time. I know it is not that great but I keep coming back to it.

I have to say that completing the game 100% was very satifying. Finding every piece of gold proved to be very difficult especially considering that I didn't use any outside help. The payoff was visceral providing me with one of the most powerful arsenals I have ever played around with. Going into town with a fully maxed out character was awesome. All I did was take one aim at someone, pull the trigger and watched the gore fly as the body was dismembered.

Believe me, I know the game can be pretty bad. I played through it on easy without doing one side mission and it was over in about five hours. Not exciting stuff. But as a whole, depending on how you play, this game be a lot of fun. And I mean a lot of fun. I have legitimately played this game for about 50 total hours across three platforms. When everything is taken into consideration I really like this game.

And for the record the Xbox 360 version does look better. Especially on a standard definition tv. High definition makes things look slightly muddy.