Continuously thrill you into wanting to play this game more and more just to see what happens next. And if thats not
good enough then playing this game for all the weapons you unlock is good enough believe me some of the
sharpshooters are beyond belief and i wouldn't recommend the hand guns my favourite is probably Ned's Shotgun. The
aiming system in this game is superior in alot of other games it just slumps down to what you dont want it to be Gun also
has a quickdraw system which can be used time to time but sometimes it just doesnt work very well although it does have
promising potential.
Some fantastic key features to this game are such as Horse Riding and Wanted signs to go kill random indians or
cow boys. It's one of those games that doesn't have a bad point to it except some of the graphics in the cut-scenes some
cut-scenes just seem to be a little bit oddish looking...
In some games you dont really grow to like the characters you are but in Gun you grow to love the main character "Cole"
he is like the good guy/bad guy sort of anti-hero as you get through the game he takes guilt in killing others but he does it
to stay alive its more of a kill or be killed sort of game. The thing you're fighting for is this special golden cross not like the
cross Jesus was on but a special cross. A bad guy named McGrugor wants the exact same thing he is the one who sends
in the men to kill Sadie and Ned. Ned was your father but in the second mission he dies not the best of starts no...
but the deal is this Cross leads to a treasure and that treasure is worth alot you meet several characters on the way and
get several new weapons on the way. You get backstabbed in this game alot but it never leads you to hating it, it always
makes you want to play the game more and more to see what happens next. I rate the game at 10 How do you rate it ?