1st Impressions: Gun is how the west was won. It's a great western game with some minor graphical flaws.
The Bad: Graphics aren't very good, especially on the Xbox 360, seems too have more language and violence than necessary, no online features.
Unfortunately, there aren't many good western games. Many have tried to make the best western game, yet pretty much all of them have failed. Neversoft's Gun is probably the most enjoyable western game out, but it's not without it's flaws.
You play as Colton White, an orphen who must discover who killed his adopted father, and return the favor. The storyline in Gun is pretty well established, with cutscenes explaining Colton's past, as well as setting up the next mission in the game.
The actual gameplay in Gun is quite enjoyable. It has a GTA feel, except your jacking horses instead of rides and gunning down desperados instead of pimps. There are hookers to save, but they're wearing stranger clothing than the ones in GTA do. The game is in a third person perspective, but when you use "Quickdraw", you shift to first person and can gun down cowpokes in slow motion. You heal yourself from drinking from your canteen. This actually makes the game quite easy at first, but later on, it's harder to find refills for your canteen. The shooting is very satisfying, which is expected from a game called "Gun". You can upgrade your weapons at shopkeeps, then use them to decapitate indians. What's more fun than that? Dispite what you may think of Neversoft's Tony Hawk games, Gun is suprisingly gory and filled with colorful language. You can decapitate enemies, trample them with your horse, or kill their horse, with blood pouring out. It is definately a mature title, but it sure is a fun one.
The biggest weakness in Gun is it's graphics. It really does look bad on the Xbox 360, but the poor graphics really don't hurt the game bad enough to make it any less enjoyable. It basically looks like the PS2 version, maybe a little more cleaned up than that.
The voice acting and sound effects in Gun are well done, even though the graphics aren's so hot. It also lacks an online mode, but it honestly is worth playing despite those weaknesses.
Overall, at a budget price, Gun is worth buying or at least renting. It's the best western game out right now, and should not be missed because of the shoddy graphics.
Gameplay: It's a gory, language filled trek into the west, but it's one definately worth taking. Just pack lots of ammo...
Graphics: It's not a good looking game at all, but the gameplay makes up for the lack of graphical wows.
Sound: The voice acting and sound effects are well done.
Value: If you can find this for under $30, I'd buy it. Otherwise, this is a great rental game.
Final Thoughts: "This town ain't big enough for the two of us!"