Gun is easily one of the most rewarding experiences available at the 360 launch.

User Rating: 9 | Gun X360
Yes, Gun is the exact same game as it was back on the original Xbox. Yes, the graphics are a little bit better, but the gameplay is not any different, so what would make someone want to replay Gun on the Xbox 360 if there isnt much different than it was back on the cheaper Xbox? The simple answer is that Gun takes full advantage of features that the Xbox 360 offers. The biggest difference between the two versions is the addition of the Xbox 360 achievement system. Anyone who played the game back on the earlier consoles probably remembers that there were no real rewards for completing all of the poker missions or finding all the gold pieces. However on the 360 there are achievements that you gain after you complete these so you feel a real sense of satisfaction. After completing the game 100% on the Normal difficulty I already had over 800 points. Now that I have described the biggest difference between the 360 and regular Xbox version, lets actually talk about the game.

Gun tells the story of Colton White, a man with nothing to loose. Yes this does sound pretty cheesey and yes you have heard the story before. Gun starts out kind of shallow, it seems as if the game is constantly throwing characters at you, just so they can piss you off and then you can kill them. Nothing really changes until about half-way through the game where the story actually gets interesting and good. The characters are rich and interesting and you actually care about them, unlike in the first half of the game.

The game features a pretty good soundtrack, it sounds like a western, everything from the horses to the music in the background. The voice overs are definately one of the highlights of the game. The main character Colton White is voiced by Thomas Jane who you may know from The Punisher and from Deep Blue Sea. The other voice overs are done by fairly well known actors (I recognized the names but not the voices) so if you have an extensive knowledge of movie actors than you will probably recognize even more.

The graphics in this game are not ones that really show off the capabilities of the Xbox 360, but they are no slouch either. On a regular TV they dont look much different than the original Xbox game, but on an HDTV at the highest settings the game does have some pretty impressive lighting effects and the game just looks smoother overall.

One thing that it seemed most revewiers had against the 360 version of Gun is that it was relatively the same game but with a higher price tag. Well guess what? Now that Gun is available on the Xbox 360 for only 14.99 used at GameStop it is definately worth picking this game up. This is one of the greatest games to take off on the whole Grand Theft Auto formula. Pick this game up right now, you will not be disappointed