The creators of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater create a gun slingin' wild west adventure. Does it live up to the hype?

User Rating: 7.8 | Gun XBOX
Well, let's just say, the game is fair. Not too shabby, yet not a masterpiece either. I think of this game as a good "practice" project for their other upcoming games. Maye they can learn their mistakes off of this one, feed off it it, and perhaps do better in the future. But anyways, on with the review.

Gameplay is somewhat boring in this game. There are some real exciting sequences of gun-play, but there's just not enough. Some missions you will barely get to kill anything, which really takes away from the brutal adventure of the wild west. The controls are simple and fine. I'm not saying anything is wrong with that kind if stuff, but overall, some of the missions you think will be intense, really aren't intense at all. One feature I did really like though, was switching to the first person view for quickdraws, and just flat out shoot em up sequences. There are a pretty average amount of weapons in the game, including shotgun and various pistols (revolver, etc.), and most of the weapons seem to pack a big amount of punch. The only thing wrong is, sometimes you'll get a good collection of weapons but you won't get to use them that much, as some missions are short, and others with very few enemies to kill. I really wish they would have let you use these powerful weapons more than you get to. Another feature that I particularly enjoyed was riding in the chariots. Horses would pull you, just like old western times, and you'd ride in the back in a little car, and shoot out of that with your shotguns and other weapons. You can do the same while riding a horse as well. These sequences were pretty fun because there are alot of things in the enviroment you can destroy, along with the enemies, and that was really satisfying. Overall, the core gameplay was great, but there were too many short and bland missions that left you begging for more...

Graphics in Gun are average. Nothing to write home about. Some character and costume models were detailed very, very well, but that was the only exceptional thing. Guns and enviroments were ok, but didn't have anything special really going on with them.

Sound! Oh the sound of Gun is glorious. I think Neversoft worked the HARDEST on the sound effects of this game. Cutscenes were abosolutely stunning, as they looked good, and sounded phenomenal. The voice acting was so well done in this game, it was just unbelievable. Too bad there weren't any more cutscenes though, because I would have really enjoyed watching more. The overall sound effects during gameplay are well done too, as you hear really loud, heavy, and brutal gunshots either flying by your face, or going into an enemie's head. Sound was an amazing addition to Gun, and everyone will enjoy the fantastic cutscenes.

As for value, this must be the weakest part of Gun. There is fun to be had in the campaign, but when you're done, that's it. No online multiplayer or split screen modes whatsoever. I wish the creators could have added some kind of split screen mode at least, and that would have been cool. The campaign, like I said before, is pretty short, and lasts for up to 8 hours maximum. Any hardcore gamer will beat it in one or two sittings. And this is where Gun falls.

Gun, overall, is a pretty entertaining game, but the lack of more intense missions really burned the fun down, and left many people wanting more. No split screen mode doesn't really help round out the experience either. Gun really had alot of potential, but the fact that there were too many boring missions lowered the value. But, the cutscenes were fantastic, and I will leave you with that.