A Bad Console Game!! A Good Arcade Game
The graphics wasnt very good The charachters and the details was bad The sound were ok Except for the voices being in Japanese in an American copy Why?? The worst in the game is that you cant steer with the joystick !! Hello its a Arcade game you are supposed to Steer with the Joystick how hard can it be to fix :( The value of the Game is Mixed. The Story is not very long in the first three levels it takes about 30 minutes to end the game there is 7 different levels and the 5,6,7 are so hard that its not worth palying you just get angry and want to destroy both the game and your Tv. The game is fun when you play it 15 minutes sometimes but its not a game worth playing for a long time. The good thing is 2 player game that can be fun but its the same there for about 30 minutes not more. Graphics 4
Sound 5
Gameplay 5
Value 5
Tilt 4
+ 2 player game and many levels
- The graphics, Voices in Japanese, You cant steer with the joystick, And the lenght of the story mode