In Gunfright, you play as a sheriff in a Wild Western town. You walk around the town in an isometric viewpoint, attempting to find the wanted outlaw. The town layout never changes, and you start outside the jail, but the location of citizens and the outlaw is random.
The town is populated with citizens which kill you when touched, as does the cacti, and later; the tumbleweed. The women move randomly so need to dodge their movement. The guys stand cowering in fear, but pointing in the direction of your outlaw.
You can find Panto the horse for some increased speed. He seems to be a legless horse, so you comedically pick him up and run with him.
Some buildings can be walked in, but might not have a backdoor so ends up being frustrating trying to work your way around. From the viewing angle, you don't get to see too far ahead so it also doesn't give you a good view of hazards, paths and your target. You can change the view which I think redraws the world from the reverse angle but I don’t think it gives you an advantage. Part of the screen is taken up by the massive UI which consists of the wanted poster, gun barrel showing ammunition, then the score. The outlaw in the wanted poster does not match their sprite in town. Instead, they look like a variant of your character.
When you find the outlaw, you can shoot him to initiate a quick draw mini game. Then the process repeats. Later on, some outlaws ride horses and can move very fast, so managing to find them and shoot them is very tricky.
There is a minigame where you shoot falling money bags to start with some money. Bullets are limited by the cash you have, and killing citizens reduces your bounty reward.
The gameplay is pretty much "hide and seek" with a couple of shooting minigames. The concept doesn't quite make sense with the citizens killing you - but it's a computer game so anything goes. It's a bit boring and repetitive but probably not as frustrating as some of their other games.