A "brainless" shoot-'em-up, with action sequences at its best!
First one was graphically appealing good piece of art. But was way too short and had a little too primitive gameplay.
This one is just as good in terms of looks and artworks, but adds just so much more into the gameplay. Not to mention that its storyline however predictable and overdone (read: your standard anime plot) introduces many memorable heroes and villains alike. The one thing I loved Gungrave anime for was for its baggage of emotions. This game is just as good in this as anime was. That simple fact made me forget of a way too easy and predictable story progression. Unlike the story progression, character development was interesting to behold. And a good story is built on solid character developments. Plus the voice acting is just simply fabulous! There are not many games this well voice acted.
The game introduces 2 more playable characters and loads of new tactical maneuvers. Like the charged shot, 9 demolition shots per character and improved movement mechanics which is very fluent and dynamic.
Both Billy and Juji are much easier to play for than Grave. It seems that Grave can't do even the half of which these two can. Especially Billy. Whilst I was sweating like a pig to get through most sequences for Grave, it was a walk in the park on a good Sunday morning playing as Billy. But I suppose balancing the issues is never that easy, most people are not aware of how difficult it can actually get.
Action sequences always throw something new at you. Monsters that have to be defeated using different tactics, dynamic chases, survival last man standing parts, famous MGS cargo lift scene and many memorable bosses. Levels are diverse and fresh, none of them is the same as it was before. Overall the whole game is a very interesting journey from the alpha to the omega.
So if you like "mindless" action games that "don't take anything more than primal reflexes", if you like action games that are challenging and variable, if you like to have alive characters on board, and if you enjoy anime: give it a shot or two, you won't be disappointed.