A Fun Shooter Like You Remeber at Arcades
This shooter is like the numerous offerings that I used to pump an endless supply of quarters into at arcades. If you love shooters that don't require constant reloading and treks to find ammunition, then this one is for you.
The plot is much deeper than I would expect from a game like this. I didn't find out until after playing it that there is an anime based on the character (I think that's why a lot of publications automatically gave it a low score).
This is a button mashing shooter and makes no claim to be otherwise. If you like letting off steam by blowing away countless beautifully rendered enemies, then this games for you. The great graphis and frantic action are two of the best things about the game.
The game also features adjustable difficulty levels. It can be very easy or challenging. I am a big fan of games that give you a reasonable shot of finishing them. The different difficulty levels and great action give this title lots of replay value.
This game is entertaining, pretty, and fun. It's not in any way original or artistic, but then that's why art museums never have an arcade. Worth at least a rental but highly recommended as a purchase for action/shooter fans.