All the ingredients for a great gaming experience, except it doesn't come through
The story is a very hammy recycled Terminator-clone with Gunlok, the hero of the game, a hopelessly arrogant prick. You are running around pulling switches and opening doors on the backyard of the faceless "Corporation" not really knowing why, all the while avoiding the swift death offered at the feet of its combat drones, robots and mechs. At least the interface is very competent, and camera control is simple enough too.
Still, the stealth aspects of this game were completely lost on me. I never really got a feel for how to efficiently stalk and hide from the marauding robots and instead played very aggressively which soon led to the problem of a limited ammunition supply. Although survival action can be really exciting in its own right, I feel that this is a game about robots with cool weaponry, more specifically a game about blowing up robots with cool weaponry, and I don't want to progress through levels by hiding in various stacks of scrap. Fortunately there's always cheats for stocking up on ammo...