Is this 2D side-scrolling adventure worth re-visiting? Or should it simply remain buried among the hundreds of Sega Gene
*NOTE: This review is taken directly from the video review linked above.
Gunstar Heroes. Oh my god, Gunstar Heroes. Easily one of the best video games on the Sega Genesis period. In fact, if you haven't played this action packed title before, and you used to own a Sega Genesis, I demand that you bow your head in shame, and smash your face against the nearest solid surface repeatedly. I mean it, I want to see blood splattered everywhere, teeth falling out, all that good stuff, and I want to be able to see those bruises from a mile away.
Nah, I'm just playing. I care about all of you guys. And I care about your well being. In fact, the only time you should ever put yourself in harm's way is if you're trying to get newest copy of Pokémon or something.
Anyways now back to Gunstar Heroes.
Gunstar Heroes is a side scrolling action/adventure game. And the objective is to simply get from the beginning of a stage to the end of a stage while annihilating hundreds of enemies that block your path. Throughout the game you will also encounter many unique bosses that require different strategies to defeat them.
Now I'm not going to lie you guys, throughout my gaming career I have probably beaten this game with my family and friends over 25 times. Now I bet you guys are wondering? What in the world possess a gamer to re-visit a game that many freakin times?
Well I'll tell you. For one thing, the game is approximately an hour long. The second thing, is that despite it being an hour long, there is just so much… what's the technical term… stuff within the game. Yeah I used the word stuff. Don't judge me. I don't know why people think English is difficult to master. It aren't that hard.
Let me give you guys a little taste of what kind of variety of stuff is in Gunstar Heroes . In one level you're skating back and forth, jumping from one side of the screen to the next, while obliterating enemies, dodging bullets, and feeling like a total bad*ss. In another level, you're playing a board game that will test your skills as a gamer mentally and physically while trying to survive long enough to even reach the final boss. The levels, the bosses, everything has a distinct feel and play style and trust me on this, you'll never be caught experiencing the same thing twice.
Another unique feature about Gunstar Heroes is the weapons themselves. You can actually mix and match a variety of different weapons together to create even stronger weapons that give off different effects that are not only awesome to look at, but also deadly. There's just something truly amazing about watching everything and everyone explode around you as you run through the level like a trigger happy psychopath.
Now Gunstar Heroes is definitely not a perfect game, especially since there are a couple of areas where there are a lot of frame rate issues. But you know what, these imperfections can easily be looked over. I mean come on, to all my gentlemen out there… if you had the opportunity to date a super hot sexy super model and her pinky was the same height as her ring finger… would you still date her? And for all you lovely ladies out there watching this… if you had the chance to date the man of your dreams and his breath smelled of onions, would you still date him? HELLZ YEAH! Simply chop of the super model's hand, and shove a sock in that man's pipe hole, and you're good to go for an epic date!
And did I forget to mention that Gunstar Heroes give you the opportunity to troll on your friends like a champ!
Throw him off a cliff and laugh. Tolololololol.
Watch him fall on his ass. Trolololololol.
Broken bones, and plenty of bruises. Tolololololol.
Now they're dead, because they're losars! Trolololol.
Being the first game to ever get a 5 in RatedSTARZ history, Gunstar Heroes gets 5 trolololols out of 5.