think Twilight Princess is the best game on the Wii? Think again
System: SEGA Genesis
Developer: Treasure
Original release: 1993
Typically if you ask a gamer who is the best video game developer of all time, you will often get answers like Nintendo or Squaresoft or...Bungie (snicker). Maybe every once in a while, you will stumble across a retrogamer who will absolutely assure you that a small "unknown to the mainstream" company named Treasure is the absolute greatest. And quite frankly, they have more than enough evidence to make that case in terms of Treasure's amazing track record for GOOD games.
Treasure was founded in 1992 after the branch of Konami respondsible for Contra packed their backs and left to support the SEGA Genesis. Since then, Treasure has always vastly supported the underdog systems like the Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast (mainly SEGA consoles). The company has acquired a huge cult following of gamers who are typically fond of 2D gameplay and heavy action. Outside of Gunstar Heroes, their most popular titles include Dynamite Headdy and Alien Soldier on the SEGA Genesis, Guardian Heroes on the SEGA Saturn and both Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga on the SEGA Dreamast. Treasure games frequently make it to the United States unlike most cult Japanese companies but several games have not including Radiant Silvergun and another must download VC title I will write about later, Sin and Punishment.
When you ask a Treasure fan "What's Treasure's best game?" Gunstar Heroes will usually be the answer you get. Take know Contra?...multiply the frantic run-and-gun action of any Contra game by about seven, add a unique weapon customization system which allows you to combine the bullets available to you, various modes of play (Run-and-Gun, SHMUP), unique level designs, an absurd amount of replay value, and a whole lot of "Treasure Goodness," you have Gunstar Heroes.
What do I mean about "Treasure Goodness?" Treasure is a company typically known for bright graphics that pushed the limits of what the older consoles were capable of...especially the Genesis. Typically, Treasure games thrown a vast abount of bright and well animated sprites at you with never any slowdown. Almost every color the eye can see is used during throughout the course of their games. Bosses are comprised of several sprites, all of which work together to make the enemy almost seem like one giant sprite. The screen can hold countless enemies at one time, not to mention the insane amount of bullets that are fired in the game.
The graphical standard this game set for the Genesis has never been beaten by any game released after it, including the 32-bit DKC competion, Vector-Man or Team Sonic's Ristar. In fact, it still loks beautiful even by today's high polygon standard as almost the pinacle of sprites. Not only are the levels bright, the landscape and backgrounds well detailed, but its usage of sprites is just amazing.
The music is also pretty boppin as well. Nothing you will NEED to download or find the OST for, but it definitely gets the job done.
Gunstar Heroes, is not just a technical achievment, but it's also just damn fun. The game really challenges you to think while you are shooting everything in site. Bullets come from all directions, levels are multilayered, the controlled characters are responsive and do exactly what you tell them, and if you have a friend, there really isn't a more fun game you can play with co-op. There isn't a second in this game when you don't feel overwhelmed.
When comparing this to Contra or Metal Slug, the two most well known series of run and gun, this still takes the place as the absolute best. Where as Metal Slug is frequently too difficult and Contra frequently too easy, Gunstar Heroes shines as a prefect blend of challenge in which the game is difficult but hardly to the point where you demand infinite continues or get completely turned off to beating the game.
Check around to other retrogaming sites as well. Almost every single site will recommend this, some claiming it is easily the greatest game ever created. They can make the case. With the industry flooded with typical uninspired 3D action games that are clearly rushed, they are simply not made to this quality anymore. You will not find a dull second in Gunstar Heroes, and you will always come back for more.
If you have 800 Wii points you were saving for something like Super Mario World or Link to the Past...I'd hate to break it to you, but they will not be available for quite a while. Download Gunstar Heroes tomorrow and get 800 more points down the road. You won't be wasting your money
And to you babies who cry about $8 being too much for a Genesis game...gamers would gladly put down $20 for this game. If you pass up what might be the greatest action game simply because you think $8 is too expensive...I'm sorry, but you are just ridiculous.