The best game of all time?
The levels are innovative, the graphics were gorgeous for their time, and it holds one of the best bosses in history: Seven Force. The action is non-stop and lead me to the greatness that is Treasure (as Gunstar Heroes was their debut in the video gaming industry, coming from Konami). If you don't have a Genesis, it's a great machine, probably the best that Sega made, and it's worth it to pick one up just to play this game.
Probably the most famous aspect of this game is the weapon combo system, which allows you to hold 2 weapons only at all times (Force, Laser, Fire, and Chaser are the 4 total) of which you can switch between freely. However, you can also combine them into 1 very powerful weapon meaning that you're basically carrying 3 guns at all times, for a total of 10 guns in all.
The 2-player mode is rediculous as well, explosions nonstop all about. Some say it's this that was Gunstar Heroes' best attribute. While that is quite possibly true, the single player mode is amazing in its own rights.
Played Metal Slug or Contra? Gunstar Heroes blows 'em out of the water.
Go. Play this. Now.