Not for the casual gamer... only skilled gamers need apply.
I've seen a lot of reviewers saying that the controls are flawed but that simply isn't the case. It's true that the controls are a little complex but they are not flawed at all. Just because a person isn't good at the controls is it fair to say that the controls are flawed? Lack of skill doesn't mean an error on the developer's end. The controls in Gunvalkyire are fun, work perfectly and are unlike anything you've ever played.
Unfortunately, the control scheme in Gunvalkyrie did alienate a large percentage of the game playing population. This game, a lot more than others, really forced players to have a strong intuition of 3D space in their minds while they played, coupled with the ability to match that 3D intuition with physical dexterity. It's nothing at all like any other 3D Shooter or First Person Shooter out there. It's the most original 3rd Person Shooter ever made, period.
It's a shame that because of this alienation to casual gamers, games like this don't get sequels very often. If anyone has also played Otogi: Myth of Demons or it's sequel they will know what I'm talking about (both incredible games, I should add. The 'boosting' gameplay was a little more basic, though).
If this type of game were more popular, maybe we'd see more games like it or even sequels on the Xbox 360. The power of the 360 would be a fantastic place to put a sequel to Gunvalkyrie on. A sequel to this game on the 360 would be a gift indeed and a much needed addition to the stale, run-of-the-mill games out today.
In my opinion, Gunvalkryie is the best shooter game ever made and flat-out the most original. The game industry should be ashamed for letting originality like this fade away.
The lack of popularity in rare titles such as Gunvalkyrie is why we keep getting the same old games remade year after year.