When a game can't even do what it says on the website, somethings gotta be wrong with it.
GunZ is an online game that enables you to realize such a dream! GunZ is not your ordinary gunz fighting game. It allows you to imitate a famous hero, create your own fashion style, and perform a number of different actions such as shooting or stabbing whilst running and jumping on the walls."
That's what the website says. But is that true? Nope.
This game doesn't make me feel like a cool character, it doesn't make me feel like I can step into a room full of people and take them all on. What it instead does is help to show how much this game doesn't work.
First off the graphics. Since Gunz was first made public in 2003, I expected some thing a bit better than what Gunz looks like. The guns look plastic and the clothing looks awful. The level design is bland and there is no weather effects. For the year it came out alongside the likes of Call of Duty 1 and Unreal Tournament 2003 you could at least expect something better.
Secondly the sound. the guns sound weak. simple as that, Even the rocket launcher, A car exhaust kicking in a turbo sounds more powerful than the rocket launcher, do I need to say more? The music sounds so bad, I turned it off and listened to some music on a media player. The voice acting in the game is so cheesy its laughable.
Onto the gameplay. And this is what really lets gunz down. and as the site says "GUNZ allows you to imitate a famous hero" Unfortunately I didn't feel like a famous hero. And the reason is simple. If you don't fight in a set way called Kstyle, you get thrown abuse and kicked from the game. And this "Kstyle" is done by using glitches in the game. Since when has using glitches to get an upper hand be classed as a "Pro skill"? It hasn't And whats worse is the game designers call it a "Feature" And with the amount of "Hacks" in the game You would expect the designers to at least try to stop it, do they? Nope. If the designers are not willing to fix the bugs and glitches in a game, then its not worth your time.
The community aren't that good ether as I mentioned earlier they will throw abuse at you if you don't play in this set "Style" And that's wrong. players can play how they want. If you don't like the way they play, ether live with it or go find another server. Don't waste everyone's time throwing abuse.
My final thought on this, Gunz could have been great, think Max Payne but online. Think destructible levels with friends. watch players diving all over the place looking for cover to reload. Throwing movie style taunts at each other. Unfortunately gunz doesn't do this. Therefore it fails, Its a perfectly playable game, but it fails to live up to its own opinion of itself.
If you want a good 3rd person shooter. Try Max Payne, StrangleHold or wait for The Club. If on the other hand you want to play a game based on a fighting style which uses glitches, get GUNZ I'm sure you will be very happy.