"While attempting to become a standard game, it accidentally became something entirely different "
Game types:
The game presents its players with multiple types of game play, from practice where kills and deaths don't count, an intense round based team battle, or a non stop team extreme. Although there are no objective based game types besides assassinate, the standard kill the other teams leader, they include a 'quest' game type. In the quest game type you will go against monsters varying in number and type depending on the quest type, place, level of participants and items used.
There are multiple ways of playing the game, namely known as styles within the game. These can be classified into a few, although some more revered and some more ridiculed than others they all have their advantages. These styles are generally classified into one of five categories: Sprayers, E-stylers, K-stylers, D-stylers and Hybrids. Sprayers are generally despised and considered noobish, a sprayer is someone who basically only uses automatic weapons to unload the maximum amount of bullets upon their opponent. E-Stylers might be combined with hybrids or just defined as a hybrid style because it combine some of the basic moves of a K-styler with the automatic guns of a sprayer to provide fast movement speed and an array of bullets. K-Stylers are generally revered and considered the best by a lot of players. K-Style involves using an exploit of glitches in the game; the glitches being a combination of sword movements, canceling movements, and the use of spike damage weapons, weapons such as shotguns that unload a lot of damage in one shot. D-Stylers vary from most other forms in the fact that they use a dagger. With the combination of glitche moves derived from K-Style and a dagger. As K-Style is based around a sword D-Style is based around a dagger, using a wide variety of weapons D-Style can be extremely effective but is often very rare. Finally, hybrids use combinations of K,D, and E styles to be effective as they can in specific situations or effective as they can in any situation. Hybrids are generally very, very rare. As most players who have played a lot will use entirely K-Style or will have followed another path and stuck to it, most people do not branch in between styles because ultimately it can diminish your overall effectiveness.
My Conclusion:
I have played GunZ:The Duel for many hours, and I have come to the conclusion that it can be a very enraging experience, as the styles matter little when you start. But, the more you stay and play the more you want to learn one or the other. The styles, mostly just K-style is very widely used, and can be extremely hard to learn, (it was for me, but I am a slow learner). I have seen people learn and master the basic moves in K-style within a few hours. But, it does take devotion and like any game it takes time to become better. Although it may seem like the styles are everything, tactics are just as much; if not much more a part of the game. Although this game would never have a chance to become classified as a tactical shooter; you should keep in mind that tactics play a huge roll in the game. Finally, if you are unsure about trying this game; try it. It is an experience that is wholly unique, it provides an interesting clash between modern guns and rustic swords.
Additional Information:
Please Note! The game is under the control of Ijji, Maient is indead the producer. But, the control and operation of GunZ: The Duel has switched over to ijji. You can obtain the game from http://gunz.ijji.com/
Information on the styles and a brief history on them can be found at http://www.gunzfactor.com/