Gunz: The duel, is a modern shooter that takes place in a world where there was a war between 3 countries, the players that people play are called Bounty Hunters and they travel inbetween these countries working for money. Now the story line to this game isnt all that great or even relaly matters. Whats truley fantastic about this game is the online play, which is actually the only way to play. Online is so unique that it blew me away the first time I played it, ive never played anything quite like this. Its unique elements bringing in swords and tumbiling and wall climbing. This game is so in depth that people have even created styles to fight in from the slashing style of K-Style, to the shooting of E-Style. This game also has a very in depth inventory system which I also love. My only complaint with this game is there are some people online, that over use certain styles that are nearly impossiable to fight againts. But this problem can easily be avoided by either kicking the player out, or just going to another room. Over all this game is fantastic and is so unique that it just blows you away!
Gunz Review When I first heard about Gunz, I made fun of my friend for playing it saying that it must be some 2D game that some guys who wanted to get into the field of game development had come up with as part of the... Read Full Review
Gunz: The Duel was launched several years ago but was finally fully released on last year. The game is entirely free to play, and the only time you might spend money is on the premium items which look cool and c... Read Full Review