"welcome - to the world"
dot.hack//G.U vol 1 rebirth you play in a mmorpg called "the world", haseo has just installed it and played it and meets 2 characters *spoiler alert* and they all of a sudden PK cause they trick him to thinking they are his friend, then all of a sudden Ovan steps in to save him and tells him welcome to the world.
the story is hard to follow but once you play all 3 dot.hack//G.U games or try to follow up you will get it finally, but the story is diffrent i wont tell you need to play the game sorry, the combat is preety good soem good ol hack'n slash'n action with skill trigger and awesome big weapons to use and other ones too,
plus i love the characters this is by far one of the greatest Anime games i have seen in america like somehow bandai namco has found a way to let japan put it here in america and im glad.
i also love the music its one way to relief stress
get this game if your a dot.hack fan or just love anime like me