First .HACK game I ever played, and the last one.
Nice cinematics dont help, this game is ruined by the greed of its creators, who just want money-money and guess what ? More money ! Overall result is a broken game not worth playing by anyone, except .Hack fans.
- Cool cinematics (has a lot of them too)
- Too short, it was just a waste of DVD media
- It never gets anywhere, based on making as much as possible sequels.
- Ultra repetitive in every single aspect of a game
- Monotone levels (entire game is based on 2-3 levels remixed)
- Weak and very short sidequests, it can barely be called a sidequest, more like a minigames.
- Gets boring as soon as you get into it.
- Uninspired, they barely change anything ever in .Hack series, only thing that seems to be improving is the cinematics.
- If you have ever played Final Fantasy 12 even for a 10 minutes, you will be sure this game is just a weak imitation, specially battle system.