The .hack series is reborn.
-Great and original story
-Outstanding soundtrack
-Unique 3-D/Anime-like graphics
-Great new battle system
-Lots of sidequests
-Converting data from the first four .hacks
-It's still short
-Only three dungeon types???
-It's easy...
The .hack series is back, and this time with several improvements.
The first noticeable thing is the great graphics. Characters are well drawn/designed, environments are lively and and look good. To describe the's a blend of 3-D and anime...
The onlly problem I had was a lack of dungeon types...only threee??? Although there is one that changes climate and time of day to sort of look different...
The soundtrack has also been upgraded...from great to even better! It ranges from instrumentals to oporatic to rock themes...
The story is once again the greatest point in the game. It pulls you in from the very beginning, and in the end, it will leave you wanting to play the next volume...
The game IS short...only 15-25 hours...but if you do all the sidequests, then it can go up to over 40 hours.
Overall, a great game that's highly recommended. It's also a great place for people who want to try the .hack games especially the GU series...