.hack//G.U. vol. 2//Reminisce continues the story from the first volume but it is just more of the same.
With that said, lets move on.
The gameplay is easy to pick up and play, but it does get repetitive after a while. Early in the game you'll be given an "upgrade" allowing you access to a third new weapon type but essentially what this does is add more skills to your character, but now you can switch your main weapon in battle making it easier to play. The battles are fast paced and fun. My only problem is that there isn't much depth to the game. The "upgrades" don't do much from what I've experianced, so why bother giving your teammates better items or spend time customizng their equipment? Graphics:
The game uses cel shaded graphics for the game. This gives the character a lot of different facial expressions and give it more of an anime feel to it. The cutscenes though look fantastic and are noticably higher quality then the game graphics. The root towns are vast and pretty impressive, however the fields are repetitive and boring. You'll be running around in either a cave, an old japanese style building, or a field for the entire game. Durring the game, I loved running through the areas because I love to level up and get items. But I have all seen this before, there might be one or two new fields but overall it is more of the same.
The voices and music for the game are great . The rest of the sounds are pretty good but are also re-used from the old game, but this isn't so bad considering that they take place in the same game.
If you are a fan of the previous game or Project .hack in general, you'll love this game, however "serious" RPG players I would suggest renting because it is more of the same.