RENGEKI!! .hack roars back onto the scene!

User Rating: 9.8 | .hack//G.U. Vol. 2: Kimi Omou Koe PS2
So here we are again, back in the .hack groove! .hack //GU vol2 //Reminisce is totally awesome, and it's totally improved over .hack //GU vol1 //Rebirth! The battle system has been tweaked to perfection, the Divine Awakenings RAWK, and the story just totally sucks you in from the first screen. The new areas are awesome, and in the later stages of the game the difficulty is really cranked up for maximum enjoyment. There is a great variety in the new party members, some great character development, and lots of tearjerking moments. I'd recommend this to anyone out there who enjoys RPG's, cyberpunk drama, or just games in general!