Don't Believe Gmaspots 5.0/10. This is just one of those games that you'll have to decide for yourself.
Storyline: 9/10
The story of this game sucks you in, you'll be glued to your controller for hours on end.It's a romance, action thriller with satisfying and well placed cliffhangers.All the characters are very interesting.
Gameplay: 6.5/10
The gameplay definately improves upon the first trilogy by bringing in a new, more satisfying engine, almost that of Kingdom Hearts's button mash gmaplay.Although, some bossfights are long and drawn out (You'll actually be calculating how long it will take to fight one boss!).It's fights can be fun under the right circumstances, but most fights are tedious.
Overall: 8.5/10
With such an interesting storyline ,it's easy to overlook the gameplay problems, and with many MANY weapons and weapon styles it's a pleasant game.