A great end to the .hack GU series.
All the games in the .hack GU series have been great in my opinion, the battle system was to my liking, even though mostly I had the real time battle systems, the intense battles always kept me going.
the third installment and the last in the GU series is definitely a great end to it.
I'm sure all the GU/.hack fans out there will love it as much as I did.
Storyline is absolutely amazing, the entire series' storyline was intensive and simply amazing to every point, which what really attracted me to this game at the first place, and redemption definitely deserves the hype it's been getting.
Gameplay, is pretty much like the previous games just with a new selectable weapon, even though it's the same battle system I have to say that I simply love it, the battle system kept everything intensive and it's really good.
Avatar battle system is pretty much the same principle as well, though the battle system for the avatar battles is really good as it is, I remember always getting excited when Haseo used to call out Skeith. Shhhh.
Graphics, well I've seen better obviously but I don't think it's anything serious, the graphics are above average, the FMVs are good though.
Final conclusion : 9.5, a game that's definitely worth getting and definitely one of the best games I've yet played, definitely on my top 5.